First Aid at work
We offer a range of First Aid at Work training courses, all of which are HSE (Health and Safety Executive) approved.
Employer’s Health & Safety (First-Aid) legal obligations
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. These Regulations apply to all workplaces including those with less than five employees and to the self-employed.
Course options:
Emergency First Aid at Work Course
A 1 day training course designed for individuals who are required to act as an Emergency First Aider at Work, with the emphasis on preventing situations from becoming worse and maintaining life until help arrives.
First Aid at Work Course
A 3 day training course designed for individuals intending to act as a first aider at work. The course provides attendees with the skills and knowledge necessary to give effective life support, diagnose and treat injuries and illness and maintain care and comfort of the casualty.
This course provides the comprehensive set of practical skills needed to become a confident first aider at work, giving the individual both the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies.
Annual First Aid Refresher Course
A 3 hour course designed for people holding a current First Aid at Work or Emergency First Aid at Work. It is designed to keep the first aiders up to date with current procedures.
First Aid at Work requalification Refresher Course (HSE)
A 2 day course designed to update the first aid skills for people who need to renew their statutory First Aid at Work certificate and whose existing certificate is still valid.