Manual Handling
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations of 1992 identify the most common cause of absence at work as being due to manual handling accidents. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations place a duty on employers, where appropriate, to conduct manual handling risk assessments and provide appropriate manual handling training.
We offer the following training options:
1. Manual Handling Principles and Practice
This course is designed for anyone who may be required to lift or move objects in the course of their work. It is applicable to a wide range of staff from those with obvious work related handling tasks through to office staff who may appear to have much less manual handling involved in their day to day activities.
The course is based on current legislation and best practice and will give delegates a comprehensive understanding of the Regulations, and the skills and knowledge to identify and avoid risks associated with manual handling, prevent injury, work safely and efficiently, and promote good working practice.
2. Manual Handling Awareness
Everyone is vulnerable to manual handling injuries, whether at work or at home, and therefore most people will benefit from gaining an understanding of good technique.
This course is therefore designed as a general ‘manual handling awareness and reminder’ session and can easily be carried out as a lunch and learn session.
Both courses can be tailored to clients’ needs in terms of duration time and budget.