Lifestyle & Wellbeing Services
We deliver lifestyle and wellbeing services to help increase the productivity of your workforce and staff retention. These programmes are designed to encourage employees to lead healthier lifestyles by, for example, helping them to:
- Stop smoking
- Manage stress
- Eat healthily
- Monitor their blood pressure, Body Mass Index, Cholesterol and Glucose (blood sugar)
Flu vaccinations
Flu is highly infectious, particularly in an office environment and a vaccination programme can be delivered in the workplace simply, cost-effectively and safely. The immunisation of your workforce can help to prevent up to 90% of cases – helping to ensure your employees are working effectively through the winter months.
To find out more, please get in touch.
- Managing stress
- Blood pressure, Body Mass Index, Cholesterol and Glucose (blood sugar) measurements
- Health promotion campaigns
- e.g. stopping smoking and healthy eating
- Flu vaccinations
- Senior management physical and mental wellbeing.