Time to consider your Seasonal Flu Vaccination Programme 2019

Help prevent flu in your workplace this year – Be proactive
Flu is a very common and highly infectious viral illness that spreads rapidly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are carrying the virus.
Flu is not the same as the common cold as it is caused by a different group of viruses. The symptoms of flu tend to be more severe and last for longer.
By offering flu vaccinations to your employees ahead of the winter months, you can introduce a low cost and highly valued employee benefit that makes strong commercial sense.
The cost of flu to your organisation
A total of 7.6 million working days are lost in the UK because of flu each year, costing the British economy £1.35bn. For the majority of people, flu symptoms will last about a week. However feelings of fatigue and tiredness can continue for some time, thereby reducing employee productivity and increasing the workload on other employees.
Whilst certain “at risk” groups are offered the vaccination by the NHS, given that it is likely this will only affect a small percentage of your employees, it is worth considering the impact on those not offered the vaccine.
With the flu vaccination, the level of protection may vary between people. Whilst it’s not a 100% guarantee that all your employees who participate will be flu-free, if they do get flu after vaccination it’s likely to be milder and shorter-lived than it would otherwise have been. It really does pay for itself in terms of potential disruption to business. In addition to showing that you care about your employees and their wellbeing, it helps you to proactively increase the resilience of your workforce and reduce sickness absence.
Why choose Lincoln Occupational Health
- We will provide flu vaccinations at your place of work.
- We will offer this service at a competitive and affordable rate.
- We can provide a designated link to a bespoke online booking system which enables the employee to easily book their own appointment if required.
- We can provide marketing support to help you promote your flu vaccination programme to your employees in order to maximise uptake.
- If you have additional satellite employees or sales representatives across the UK, then we are able to provide flu vouchers that can be used in selective supermarkets and pharmacies.
A simple and efficient service
The best time of year to have a flu vaccination is in the autumn between September and November.
Our trained Nurse will travel to your office with all the equipment and vaccines needed (all included in the price) and will administer the vaccines (up to 100 in a day).
All you need to do is provide a dedicated room where the vaccinations can take place.
Contact detail
To discuss your specific requirements and obtain a quote please contact Katie Eastwell.
T 0844 481 0093 E enquiries@lincolnoccupationalhealth.co.uk