What are the benefits of Workplace Health Awareness Sessions?

We highlighted the format of health awareness days in February 2015. Employers need to understand what the benefits could be in offering an onsite wellness programme.
The benefits to the company of offering such wellness initiatives include:
- Reducing absenteeism
- Improving morale
- Increasing productivity
- Delivering practical stress management with immediate results
- Demonstrating a commitment of management to staff; and
- Encouraging team building (the consultation often encourages dialogue between employees).
The benefits to individuals include:
- Quick detection of possible illness which allows prompt referral for treatment and management of the condition
- Reduction of physical and mental stress; and
- Increased well-being.
Lincoln Occupational Health can deliver a ‘Health Awareness Day’ at your workplace which provides an effective way of promoting health and well-being to your employees. The programme is designed not only to benefit the individual but also to support management in helping to reduce absenteeism and in promoting a healthier workforce. The programme is run by an experienced and qualified Nurse Advisor who can offer:
- Blood Pressure Checks;
- Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Checks;
- Height and Weight Measurements, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Fat Percentage; and
- General Lifestyle Advice to include diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol.
Contact Detail
For further advice regarding delivering an onsite wellness programme, please contact us on
T 0844 481 0093 E enquiries@lincolnoccupationalhealth.co.uk