Workplace Flu Vaccination Programme 2020

We are currently seeing the impact of Covid-19 on the NHS, social care and businesses and this coming winter we may be faced with co-circulation of Covid-19 and flu which is likely to have a further impact on already stretched services and businesses.
Lincoln Occupational Health (LOH) can provide a flu vaccination programme for your company to help protect and promote employee health during the flu season. We can attend onsite to deliver a flu vaccination clinic or/and provide flu vouchers which can be redeemed at pharmacies.
Information regarding the 2020/21 vaccine
The components of the vaccine are determined 12-18 months before the flu season following World Health Organisation recommendations. This year, a quadrivalent (4 strain) influenza vaccine is the recommended vaccine for anyone under 65. This will be the vaccine used in the workplace clinics and anyone 65 or over can see their GP should they wish to opt for the recommended vaccine for their age group.
Onsite clinic
A Nurse can travel to your company with the all the equipment and vaccines needed. A dedicated room (preferably not too small) with a table, chair and phone will need to be allocated, where the vaccinations can take place.
Covid -19 precautions
- Before the clinic, LOH will wish to familiarise themselves with the company’s visitor arrangements detailing the Covid-19 control measures which have been put in place for each location being visited.
- The length of each appointment has been increased to allow for cleaning after each vaccination.
- Employees will be asked not to attend if they are displaying a temperature, a new persistent cough or a loss/change in taste and smell.
- Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn by the Nurse.
- Employees will be asked to arrive exactly at their allocated time to avoid anyone waiting and they will be given the opportunity to complete their consent form in advance and bring this with them.
- Employees will be requested to wear a mask during the vaccination process and encouraged to wear sensible clothing to minimise the time rolling up tight sleeves.
Online booking system (optional)
Our online booking system allows the employee to click on a link (which we provide) and book an appointment time which suits them on the agreed date. The webpage also states the precautions to be considered prior to receiving the vaccine and gives a link to the NHS flu website – this allows for any questions regarding flu vaccinations to be answered. The webpage also details the steps being taken to ensure the process is Covid-secure. The system sends a confirmation email confirming the appointment and can also send a reminder nearer the time. It also allows for easy cancellation and rescheduling. The booking system has ISO 27001 certification.
Flu vouchers
Flu vouchers can be provided from late September onwards to be in line with the retailers’ availability of the flu vaccine. These can be redeemed at participating retailers any time before 31st March 2021. However, an increased demand for flu vaccines is expected this year as a result of Covid-19 so we would advise people to arrange their vaccination at the earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment. Retailers taking part this year include the following (where pharmacies are located): Morrisons, Tesco, Lloyds, Superdrug, Well (formally Co-op) and Asda. We can send vouchers out by post individually to employees following requests sent into us via our designated flu email address or alternatively send them in bulk to one or more main contacts within the company.
Should you have any questions regarding the above or wish to book in a clinic date please email Katie Eastwell on